Monday, February 15, 2010

Pune Blast (R.I.P. Ankik, Anindyee and others)

May your souls rest in peace and your parents and brother get the courage to face the situation. Although no one can even imagine their sorrow, but still........ :(
If still we (the whole society) don't do anything, then the day is not very far when I will find myself (or any of my family members) among the victims. And that day, I won't have any right to be sad or repent, because I'll be responsible for that in one or another form.

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आरक्षण पर प्रधानमंत्री के नाम खुला पत्र

आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी, यह तो हम सबको बहुत अच्छे से पता है कि तुष्टिकरण विशुद्ध रूप से एक राजनैतिक उपकरण है। जहाँ भी तुष्टिकरण है, वहाँ वास्...